Connection with your Source
Today, I leave this quote with you.
“However, you are often not conscious of your creative power, or you do not know how to handle it very well. There is a part of you that feels lost, rejected in this life on Earth; a part of you that is not connected with the Source of everything, the Source that carries the whole of life. And I want to encourage you today to engage in this connection with the greater whole, the Source — God if you will — that carries you throughout your life. It is the only connection through which you can truly feel unconditional security and an absolute acceptance of who you are.
That connectedness is what you are looking for, and from that grounded connectedness your creative power will take on a positive expression. When you try to create without that basic security of feeling carried by a larger field of love — when you, with your creative power, stand separately — you feel lonely and lost, and then this creative energy can, at times, turn against you. Just look at your everyday life, at how often you feel cut off from the Source that carries you, and then you begin to fret, your emotions confused and chaotic. All this has to do with that lack of connectedness and of not being able to let go of trying to control life; not knowing that you are being carried by the Source.”